Imagine a group of highly informed adults and youth, united in purpose, acting on a shared body of information and facts, equipped to educate, solve problems and promote an agenda of equity and fairplay. 

Speak Out!

Speak Out! is a national community-based program introduced by ONUS to help community members develop a deep understanding of important issues while cultivating higher-level speaking abilities. Participants refine their public speaking skills while delivering speeches to friends, family members, community groups, church congregations, and business organizations on topics of significant importance to the African-American community. For a small fee, ONUS provides educational packets to organizations and individuals seeking to enhance their personal and public speaking skills. The benefits the Speak Out! program provides cannot be overstated: 

  • Speak Out! builds knowledge. ONUS helps Speak Up & Speak Out! participants understand the ins and outs of the declared topic. ONUS provides fact sheets and other information participants need to prepare and deliver compelling speeches. During the process of preparing speeches, participants build their knowledge about current issues, laws, and injustices. The audience also learns during the process of listening to and evaluating speakers. Speak Up & Speak Out! is a way of boosting the knowledge level of the entire African-American community.
  •  Speak Out! is a mentoring process. Speak Up & Speak Out! has developed a speakers’ evaluation form that is handed out to audience members before the speaker begins. The evaluations offer feedback and pointers on how speakers can improve their speaking ability. This process of soliciting feedback from the audience helps participants understand the value of constructive criticism as they become better and better speakers.
  • Speak Out! builds esteems and strengthens confidence. Community groups, churches, and organizations provide the stage for Speak Up & Speak Out! participants as they deliver speeches to these audiences.
  • Speak Out! is for everyone. Join Speak Up & Speak Out! even if you do not read well or have not completed school. We foster a supportive and encouraging environment, so you will feel comfortable during the process of learning to speak publicly—even if you make mistakes. Speak Up & Speak Out! offers participants countless benefits that include personal enrichment and the opportunity to wield greater influence with decision-makers and political representatives because of your ability to make your points effectively and clearly.

Want to participate in Speak Out!? Contact us at

Note: ONUS strongly encourages every parent and group to take great care to ensure youth speakers are placed in the hands of at least two caring and trusted adults.