Change comes at a price. The price is time and money!

You know, we know, everyone knows that significant resources are needed to overhaul America’s embedded system of policing. We ask that you donate regularly to help advance our efforts. Contributions are not tax deductible.

Longstanding problems are longstanding for a reason.

Message from Our CEO—Jerroll Sanders

We launched ONUS to address the really difficult problems that rob African Americans of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are determined to find the path to equity when others see no way. It is our belief that African Americans alone are responsible for leveling the playing field despite the inequities constantly heaped upon us.

Latest News And Articles

Dive into the heart of today’s top stories, unraveling global narratives and the essential updates you need on URLEIA and injustice across the country.

URLEIA rests on firm constitutional ground

One of this nation’s premiere constitutional professors just reviewed our transformative national policing proposal known as The Equality in Policing Act(formally titled The Uniform Reporting Law Enforcement

No Doubt. URLEIA Is The Solution!

URLEIA is a first-of-its kind legislative proposal that seeks to confer managerial control over policing to Congress while leaving operational control with states—something constitutional professors

George Floyd Act Is Not Enough

Many believe The George Floyd in Policing Act is the best policing reform legislation we can get in this racially charged environment. But not everyone

Together, We Can Make a Difference:
Support Our Mission Today.

Getting URLEIA enacted into law will demand massive creative, strategic, financial and legal resources, as well as active involvement from influencers, citizens and civil leaders nationwide. If you would like to help propel URLEIA forward, give whatever amount you can and signup to help. We are committed to ensuring URLEIA becomes law.
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