At ONUS, we believe there are three things that confer power: 1) money, 2) the ability to mobilize a critical mass of people, and 3) political power. Over the last few years, America has witnessed the power exerted by a critical mass of people working in unison to achieve a very specific, well-defined outcome. Millions have walked and protested in order to compel this nation to acknowledge that Black Lives Matter. So how do the underserved and misserved in America exert the power needed to overhaul America’s oppressive systems, including a brutal policing system that is cemented in place? Answering the foregoing question requires that we re-examine everything, including the basic assumptions upon which we base our actions, the approaches we adopt, the advocacy mechanisms we deploy, and the goals we elect to pursue.
We will discuss organizing and exerting power during our next Go Live! Join us August 14th at the following viewing locations for a compelling discussion:
ONUS Inc. Youtube Page. Follow this link and select live.ChangeIsOnUs Facebook Page